a journal of fantastical poetry

Somewhere or other, may be far or near;
   With just a wall, a hedge, between;
With just the last leaves of the dying year
   Fallen on a turf grown green.

—Christina Rossetti


Where Secrets Are Placed by Virginia M. Mohlere

Skin the Creature by Bogi Takács

Pomegranate by Sandy Coomer

The Queen Unmasked by Alexandra Seidel

Strike a Light by Sonya Taaffe

Songs of the Sunflower Valley by Rohinton Daruwala

Antares by Kavitha Rath

Saint Anna by Rebecca Valley

Spirit of the Deciduous by Melody Watson


In Memory of Christina Rossetti

(December 5th, 1830 — December 29th, 1894)

December 29th, 2015

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